Your International Smart Environment Institution
intrernational capacity building, Erasmus+ project management, research and training institution

Institute of Social and Economic Initiatives (ISEI) is intrernational capacity building, research and training institution, independent non-governmental organization created to combine the efforts of leading experts with outstanding scientific and industry experience, practice of international relations, high level of international recognition and strong impuct in specific subject areas with a purpoce to process study and research tasks, the solution of which is not limited to individual industries, regions and institutions; incorporation of leading researchers and administrations of HEIs and R&D companies, which are working to improve the system of knowledge and technology transfer in the smart era of globalisation.
One of purposes of the ISEI are consulting and support of Universities, research companies, NGOs, public entities, SMEs in the field of organizing international relations, building partnerships, creation clusters and consortia, writing Erasmus+, Horizon, Cosme and similar projects, organizing Erasmus + mobility, international project management.
Institute of Social and Economic Initiatives was established in 2015 in Ukraine for modernization and smart transformation of education content, engaged in providing the innovation education programs on smart technologies base (including e-learning, longlifelearning, dual, informal, network and educational programs in work places, internships and trainings), internationalization of education, science and entrepreneurship, developing global business-science-education (b-s-e) networks, European integration of study process, advising HEIs of Ukraine in internationalization progress, creating a centers of excellence with research the best Ukrainian, European Union and World practices and development opportunities for local educational system, improving and adapting curriculums, motivating capacity building in the spheres of HEIs and Youth, creating mobility and international internship programs, join diplomas, conferences, publishing, scientific researches, public and private entities advising in the field of strategic partnership and managing double and multinational projects.
Upcoming International Events and Projects
- вт, 22 апр.International Scientific Internship
- чт, 22 апр.International Doctorate Workshop
- ср, 07 апр.Online Introduction Meeting